St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church

Sarah Elizabeth Huggins obituary


Sarah Elizabeth Huggins

Sarah Elizabeth Huggins, 92, of Richmond, passed away June 1, 2021. She was preceded in death by her husband, James Andrew Huggins. She is survived by her children, Jamie Ballenger, Andrew Huggins, Sarah Jean Huggins, Ann Bucholz and Caroline Huggins; four grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Richmond Animal League, 11401 International Dr., Richmond, Va. 23236, St Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church, PO Box 29626, Henrico, Va. 23242, Kindred Hospice, 1602 Rolling Hills Dr., Suite 204, Henrico, Va. 23229 or Always Best Care of Richmond South, in honor of Nateshia, 10810 Hasty Ln., Suite 103, Midlothian, Va. 23112.

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St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church

Mailing Address: PO Box 29626 ZIP 23242
10627 Patterson Ave.
Richmond, VA 23238
Church 804-740-2101