St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church

June 14, 2024

Sisters and Brothers,

 There are lots of thanks to be doled out today. First, I want to share with you a version of a Thank Note that I sent to Betty’s family and all the participants and volunteers at Cuban Night:

 Clara and Manuel Alvarez were two of my mother’s favorite people from the time she met them until her death. She loved that they wanted to bring something of their home and culture with them to this little church in the woods. What better way is there to bring a slice of culture and home to new friends than to share the food that we cherish. Their sharing all began with Black-Bean Soup being added to all the other offerings of the Harvest Event, and now after all these years, we have this party. I am certain that Clara and Manuel’s spirits and the spirits of so many who love them are enjoying tonight’s fellowship and the continued sharing of home and heritage.

 Thank you to each and all of you for joining in the fun tonight. And of course the greatest of thanks goes out to Clara and Manuel’s children and extended family for keeping this tradition alive and joyous and for their generosity of resources, labor, and hospitality that brings us all together. Kate and I truly regret missing the food, the friends, the conversation, and the wonderful memories shared. Again, thanks to all of you.

 Second, I offer my thanks to everyone who made worship this past Sunday a success, and particularly to Jill Wood for Officiating and Kevin Dyer for offering my Homily.

 Third, I offer my thanks to the Stewardship and Development Committee. They’ve been working diligently and exciting things on our horizon.

 Now four Parish Events I want to bring to your attention in chronological order:

Parish Clean-up Day – Saturday, June 15th beginning at 9:00 a.m. There will be plenty to do with both inside and outside projects on the list to be accomplished refreshments will be provided. Come and spend what time you can with us that day.

 Frank Wood Memorial Ice Cream Social – Each July on the Sunday closest to Frank’s birthday, we celebrate his memory with his favorite fellowship event. Mark your calendars to join us on July 14th and invite your friends and neighbors for church and some fun. Please be in-contact with Jill Wood if you’d like to help out.

 Liturgical Planning Day: On Sunday, June 30th following worship, we will meet to go over training for the roles of Acolyte, Lay Eucharistic Minister, and Lector. We will also plan out the calendar for the rest of the calendar year. Please join us to brush up and help with planning and if you are interested in taking on a new liturgical role.

 St. Bartholomew’s Day – St. Bartholomew was one of the original twelve disciples, his name occurring in all the Synoptic Gospels. Traditions of his missionary endeavors after Jesus’ resurrection have him traveling to Mesopotamia, Ethiopia, and India. But it was in Armenia that he had his biggest impact, founding and becoming the Patriarch of the Armenian Apostolic Church. He was tortured and executed for having converted the king to Christianity. He is our patron saint, and we will celebrate his feast day on Sunday, August 25th in worship followed our church picnic. We hope to see you and that you will invite others to join us.

 Parish Retreat to Shrine Mont – The parish retreat is scheduled for September 20-22. It won’t be long before we need to submit a firm count of participants. Please mark your calendars and join us for a relaxing time in the mountains away from the bustle of suburban life. Be in touch with Randy Oglesby for more information and to sign up.

 All of these thanks and invitations are meant to encourage your greater participation in our life together. Church is never quite the same without each and every one of you there.


See you Sunday,



St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church

Mailing Address: PO Box 29626 ZIP 23242
10627 Patterson Ave.
Richmond, VA 23238
Church 804-740-2101