School Supplies Collection for Anna Julia Cooper Episcopal School
St. Bart's will be contributing school supplies to this Church Hill middle school. Specifically we have been asked to donate: pencils, marble composition books, boxes of tissues and Lysol wipes.
Bring your donations to church on Aug. 10, 17 or 25.
School's Mission
Anna Julia Cooper Episcopal School is an independent, tuition-free, faith-based middle school for students of limited resources primarily from Richmond's East End neighborhood. Through a program focused on academic, social, and spiritual development, students are helped to set their sights on high school, college and a life of responsible citizenship.
Parent support and volunteers are integral to their success both as a School and a community of affection. Helping to ensure that the students are on a path toward a full and decent life is the school's fundamental
School's Goal
The Anna Cooper Episcopal School works to prepare graduates who excel academically; persevere in the face of challenges; care for themselves and each other; and become leaders in their homes and communities.
The School's small classes, structured support, extended school days, and religious foundation provide academic, social, and spiritual instruction in a nurturing environment. Students are challenged to discover and develop the fullness of their individual gifts through their own hard work. The goal is to prepare graduates who will contribute actively to the society they will inherit. And while individual achievement is honored, valued most deeply are those contributions which make the community stronger.
Brief History
Anna Julia Cooper Episcopal School is now in its fourth year of operation. They started with 25 students in September 2009, operating out of a house owned by Peter Paul Development Center. In 2011 they moved into a school building on North 29th Street. This year they will have expanded enrollment to 84 students in 5th-8th grades.
The school day begins with prayer, breakfast and announcements. Most of the core curriculum of Math, Science, History and English is covered in the morning. A hot lunch is provided and the afternoons incorporate a mix of PE, Art, Music, Improv, Religious Education and Spanish, as well as supplemental
math & reading. Every Friday afternoon the community gathers for a chapel service. There is an extended day program where students work on their homework and participate in a variety of other activities.
Many gifted volunteers come in for individual tutoring, mentoring and leading electives. The Anna Julia Cooper Episcopal School is a community which equally benefits its students and those who provide the resources to make it possible. For more information about this school see their website at