Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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November 10, 2023

Sisters and Brothers,

We say this often, BUT there is A LOT going on, and I want to make sure that you are aware of all the ways you can connect and participate.

  • As of this past Thursday, we have a new refrigerator. Please thank Betty Pace for getting this done quickly and easily.
  • At Announcements over the next few weeks, we will introduce new protocols for receiving Communion that will comply with diocesan guidelines that came out earlier this fall. These guidelines have underpinnings rooted in theology and also in best practices for the public health. We will fully engage these protocols in Advent.
  • The newly appointed Stewardship and Development Committee, chaired by Sarah Payne, is digging into its work. Over the coming weeks and months, they may approach you for your input or invite you into conversation. I encourage you to be candid and participate as fully as you are able.
  • The Lamb’s Basket finds itself overwhelmed with need and almost bare shelves. We are going to respond to this by including flyers in all packages at Stew distribution and encourage everyone we meet to donate to us. We also would like y’all to reach out to friends and neighbors for contributions.
  • Brunswick Stew is Saturday, November 18th, and we are hoping for the fullest participation possible. Please sign up to stir, pack, and distribute throughout the day. Please also remember to bring in your paper grocery bags. They are a huge help at distribution. Please sell and encourage folks to donate quarts to the Lamb’s Basket.
  • Advent, thus a new liturgical year, begins on Sunday, December 3rd. We will be observing Year B in the Eucharistic lectionary and Year II of the Daily Office lectionary. Our Sunday schedule will stay the same. Compline will be observed Monday through Friday evenings at 8:00 p.m. throughout Advent.
  • Our Cookie Exchange and Greening of the Church will take place after worship on Sunday, December 17th. Please bring cookies to share and be ready to help decorate.
  • Christmas Eve Mass will begin with caroling at 8:30 p.m. and Holy Eucharist at 9:00 p.m. We are still looking for volunteer drivers for Christmas Eve. And, we need to know who would interested in getting a ride that evening.
  • Annual Meeting is yet to be scheduled. At this meeting, we will elect three new members of the Vestry and hear preliminary reporting from the Stewardship and Development Committee.
  • Planning for the coming year will be ramping up, and the Vestry is hoping for your feedback particularly in exploring new worship and outreach opportunities.

All this activity is about more than trying to create busy-ness. It is about building our life together, a life we live with God as our Creator and Guide. Building takes investment of ideas, time, creativity, generosity, hospitality, and money. This year your generosity and resilience in all these ways has outpaced our needs, for the first time in a long time. We have much to pique our hope for renewed life together.

Your brother,