Sunday morning adult education discussion topics range from Bible study to types of prayer and the history of the church. These sessions are held each Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. The Rector’s Forum is currently reviewing the history and development of The Book of Common Prayer. The class has reviewed the major stories of the Old Testament, as well as held a discussion of the types of prayer and how this can expand our closeness to God. Videos and discussions on various topics have been led by members of the congregation. Previously the focus was on the five largest world religions – Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. It is the intent that by providing an understanding of others' beliefs and values we may come to a better understanding of our own beliefs and values. As stated in a recent newsletter article, we may judge beliefs but not people. We cannot judge others’ beliefs if we do not understand them. Spiritual formation activities have included Centering Prayer, a Healing Prayer group, and our yearly retreat in September at Shrine Mont (a conference center of the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia).
Monday evening Bible study: We have returned to an exclusively online format for the Fall and Winter months. We begin at 6:00 p.m. We explore passages from the upcoming Sunday. For those joining online, we meet on the weekly worship link. An easy internet resource to find the readings is We’d love to have you join us.