We are a growing community of faith and would love for you to join us for weekly worship at 10:00 a.m. We are currently celebrating Holy Eucharist each Sunday with music. You may sit wherever you like – no one has a reserved seat. Our bulletin will provide all the information you need to join in.
Children and babies of all ages are welcome in our services as we gather as a church family to worship God.
Our services are grounded in worship practices that stretch back to the very earliest Christian church, but with a modern interpretation for today's Christians. If you have never attended an Episcopal Church before, the structure can be a bit confusing, but we provide page numbers and hymnals with all of the songs and prayers used during the service.
The congregation is actively involved throughout the whole service which includes the Holy Eucharist. We combine traditional hymns, spirituals and gospel songs with contemporary music from modern composers and writers. We do not have an organist at this time, but a pianist accompanies the congregation as we sing and are led by a couple of musical members of the congregation.
All baptized Christians are welcome to come forward at the Holy Eucharist and receive Communion. Children or those who may not be baptized yet, are also welcome to come and receive a blessing. Just cross your arms over your chest and Fr. Michael will offer you a blessing.
When you visit St. Bartholomew's, no one is going to ask you to stand up, introduce yourself, and share your favorite football team. But during the service, we share The Peace Of Christ with one another and due to Covid-19 restrictions, we will wave and say hello and wish you God's peace. We are a small church so you will be noticed, but we will do our best to make you feel comfortable and welcomed.
We have a "coffee hour" after the services so everyone can socialize and catch up on the week's events. All are welcome to stay and visit with us.
St. Bartholomew's is busy place all week long. You will find opportunities for Sunday School classes, Bible studies, fellowship groups, and outreach ministries listed in the bulletin. But it's OK to simply come and worship with us and get comfortable with the St. Bart's family.
St. Bartholomew's is a special place to many of us. Like any family, we don't always agree on everything, but we remain committed to Serving Christ - Seeking Christ - Celebrating Christ as a community of faith. Some say, "it's an experience!"
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with all of you. Amen.
II Corinthians 3:14