Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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Nominating Committee for Bishop Suffragan announces Nominees


After 11 months of prayerful discernment, the Nominating Committee for Bishop Suffragan announces the following slate of nominees:

The Rev. Randy Alexander
Rector of Christ Church, Pelham
Diocese of New York

The Rev. Canon Susan Goff
Canon to the Ordinary
Diocese of Virginia

The Very Rev. David May
Rector of Grace Church, Kilmarnock
Diocese of Virginia

The Very Rev. Dr. Hilary Smith
Rector of St. Paul's on-the-Hill, Winchester
Diocese of Virginia

The Very Rev. Shirley Smith Graham
Rector of St. Martin's, Williamsburg
Diocese of Southern Virginia

The Rev. Canon Sue Sommer
Subdean and Canon Pastor of Grace & Holy Trinity Cathedral
Diocese of West Missouri

For more information, see the news release from the Diocese.

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